Laude Returns to Wisconsin Stage

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After a brief hiatus this summer, amateur fighter Kyle Laude has dusted of his fight gloves and is darkening the cage door this Saturday night. Laude will be facing off against Brendan Fang at Lake of the Torches Casino with King of the Cage.

Laude is not familiar with Fang’s fighting style but is prepared nonetheless. “I never really look into my opponents for a fight,” he said. “I focus on myself, instead. I focus on what I do best, and improve in areas I need to improve.

“I haven’t fought since March, so I’ve been working on a lot of skill work,” said Laude. “I’m getting better in areas my coaches and I thought we should work on. It has been very similar approach that I’ve always used. I’m just pushing myself hard in the gym, putting in work.”

Confidence and determination are two weapons that Laude keeps in his toolbox. “I predict I am going to win in a very exciting fight,” Laude said. “I plan on sticking to my game plan and using all my tools to get the win. I definitely think the fans will be loving the fight.

“I plan to push the pace and look for the finish whenever I can get.”

When Laude isn’t in the gym, he is focused on preparing for a new addition to his family – a baby on the way. He plans to end the year with a lot to celebrate, both in the cage and out.

You can follow Laude on both Facebook and Twitter — stay tuned for results!



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